Index of past reports by JD Nutt

JD Nutt > Past Reports Index
Uncovering the Corona Narrative
 In August 2021, German author, journalist, International Monetary Fund and financial expert Ernst Wolff provided his explanation and hypotheses in a seminal lecture which many find useful as they try to make sense out of all that we have experienced and continue to find ourselves having to adapt to. The following is English language translation of the lecture, which was provided in German. Whether you agree or disagree, I suggest that his insights deserve consideration. Do your own thinking, and some may dismiss his thoughts as conspiracy theories, but this presentation certainly provides plenty to think about.
Cerebella Ataxia
Ataxia is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. Many symptoms of Ataxia mimic those of being drunk, such as slurred speech, stumbling, falling, and the lack of coordination. 
Potatoes for your Rolex...
A recent study by three leading Caracas Universities found that 76 percent of Venezuelans are now under the poverty line.
What I am affirming in this book is a prophecy that will be fulfilled very shortly, because I am certain about the end of the planet.
President Trump (@DeplorableTrump) asks Twitter Users to Retweet if They Want The Caravan To Be Halted
Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell said President Donald Trump has lawful authority to “stop all immigration,”
Who is funding the Caravan? People Without Borders aka Pueblo Sin Fronteras
After much research I have found out who is helping to fund the caravans that are advancing towards the USA, in addition, the process is very interesting. 
Report Illegals - It's Your Civic Duty
Dial 866-347-2423 to make a report to Homeland Security
Our Next Civil War
It’s easy to imagine that a second civil war in America might proceed like the first, two institutionalized factions wielding state militaries against each other along prescribed strategic fronts. Generals would choose a side, those with the most troops and firepower at their disposal would claim victory. The outcome, we imagine, would likely be a winner-take-all restructuring of the United States. But that’s not really how wars are fought in the 21st century.

Kyle Andrew Odom, Genius or Lunatic?

At the age of thirty, Odom achieved more than most people do in a lifetime. An honorably discharged Marine, Graduated from Idaho University with honors, invited by Baylor to study in the field of genetics, shot a Pastor six times in the back, at point blank range.
Planet X Presentation
The following is a compilation of reports for the possible coming of "Planet X".
HR 1313: Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act
If you submit your Genetic Information to your potential employer or employer's wellness program, as outlined in HR 1313, you  may receive a "reward" up to a 50% reduction in health care costs if your genes display that you are in a state of good health.
Recent Vaccine Research You Should Know About
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of children in the United States with autism has risen by 78 percent over the past decade. It is now estimated that 1 out of every 88 children in the United States has some form of autism disorder.
Executive Order -- Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
By the authority vested in me as President (Obama) by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events, it is hereby ordered as follows:

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